Saturday, July 11, 2015

THE GUARDSMAN at the Shakespeare Theatre of New Jersey

by Ferenc Molnar
new adaption by Bonnie J. Monte
from a translation by Gabor Lukin

Lights awaken a stage richly decorated in hues of gold and mauve  depicting the upper class lifestyle of turn of the century Budapest.

In this knee-slapping comedy, an insecure husband questions the fidelity of his wife and, using his professional acting skills, he disguises himself as a guardsman and baits her into falling for him as a test of loyalty.  She, possibly surpassing his caliber as an actor, secretly embraces the role she is led into creating a hilarious story with a magnificent twist.
The story opens with Actor (Jon Barker) and his wife, Hélène (Victoria Mack), entertaining friend and theater critic Doctor Mezei (Brent Harris) at their home while Helene plays the despised works of Chopin on the piano.

Rounding out the cast is the roll of Mama, the housekeeper / adopted mother role (Wendy Barrie-Wilson) who equally despises the actor husband in equal proportion to the domestic chores she is in charge of.

The supporting cast including Bette, the Maid (Saluda Camp), the Debt-Collector (Sheffield Chastain), the Usherette (Noreen Farley) and Trunk Movers (Julian Gordon and Patrick Hart) plays an equally important roll of supporting the tug of war relationship.

For an evening full of laughs from beginning to end, you won't want to miss the Guardsman at the Shakespeare Theatre of New Jersey from July 8-July 26.